Cast iron skillets can survive for decades or even centuries. And if they’re well taken care of, they get better with time. Meaning the older your iron pan is, the better its quality, and the more reliable its performance. This is because cast iron skillets – if they’re well-seasoned and maintained – will develop a permanent non-stick patina that gives amazing cooking results.
It’s also the reason why garage sales, estate clearances, and storage container options are the best source of cast iron skillets. If you buy a new one from the store, you have to season it from scratch, and it will take years to ‘grow’ your own patina. But if you buy an antique pan that’s 20, 50, or even 100 years old, you can restore it to perfection and you’re set. But how will you know?
After all, if the pan has been sitting in storage for years, it will look neglected and abandoned. It will also be rusty and caked with mud and debris. So unless it has a trusted brand name on it, how will you know it’s a good quality iron skilled as opposed to a blackened tin pot or a pan that’s rusted beyond recovery? Let’s explore tips on how to identify unmarked iron skillets.
How to Identify an Unmarked Antique Cast Iron Skillet
Tip #1: Start with the Brand
When you spot a cast iron skillet at the junkyard or flea market, it could be a hundred years old. So it helps if you review common cast iron brands before you start scouring salvage piles. If you have an overview of top brand characteristics, it’s easier to identify them when you see them.
For example, Cuisinart and Le Creuset cast iron pans have bright, vibrant colors. Brands from the late 1800s and early 1900s include Griswold/Erie, Wagner, and Lodge, while Le Creuset started in the 1920s and Krampouz started in the mid-1900s.
Some cast-iron pans were deliberately unmarked because they were sold directly to stores. So a pan intended for Woolworths wouldn’t have a Lodge or Wagner label on it. But if you pre-checked the characteristic of the brand, you can tell who made it, even without their ‘signature’.
Tip #2: Go to Google
Another useful trick is to use ‘Google Images’ and study marked cast iron pans. You can memorize their distinctive features. That way, you can recognize those hints and tell-tale features even when they don’t have a distinguishable brand name stamped above them.
And if the pan has even the slightest marking on it, you can look that up. It may be a fragment of a brand name like ‘&’ or ‘5’ and that could possibly help you spot a Birmingham Stove & Range. If you have a smartphone, take a clear photo of your pan and upload it to Google Images.
If you post the saved photo directly in the ‘images search bar’, your search engine will pull up similar images and that could give you vital clues about your pan. If it’s a photo on a website like eBay, the image search might show you the source of the photo leading to further identification.
Tip #3: Review Old Logos
Modern-day Lodge pans have the egg-logo which consists of an egg sitting inside a skillet. The bowl of the skillet is the ‘o’ on Lodge. Older Lodge pans might just have the word ‘Lodge’ written on them, or maybe a number. Similarly, Griswold pans were initially marked ‘Erie’.
This was because the company was formed in Erie, Pennsylvania, but the logo later changed to Griswold and later Wagner Ware. So check out antique sites of just Google ‘vintage logos’ so you know what to look for. With enough research, you can identify the antique pan at a glance.
Sometimes, the markings go beyond the logo. For example, Lodge pans were marked with 8 (for 10-inch pans) while Wagners were marked with 3, S, or H. Lodge pans are also sometimes with letters. These markings may be inside the bowl of the pan, somewhere on the handle, or both.
We have a complete guide about Griswold cast iron pan if you are wanting something more specific.
Tip #4: Check for Provenance
If you’re insistent on where your pan was made, look for an origin marker. It may be embossed, recessed, or carved onto the pan. After 1960, American-made pans had to stamp ‘Made in USA’ in clear letters. Before the 60s, you didn’t have to indicate the source country of your pan.
So if your pan has embossed letters and numbers, it was probably cast later. The bottom of the pan will often have other details too. It may be marked SK for the skillet, G for griddle, or DO for Dutch oven. These letters are common on vintage Lodge cast iron pieces.
Other brands (like Wagner) will sometimes use letters instead, like H. Pans are also sometimes marked with model numbers like 8, 10, or 90. The numbers might match the gas numbers on your cooker, or they might be a code to show you the diameter of your cast iron pan.
Tip #5: Look at the Bottom
While cast iron pans haven’t changed much over the centuries, cooktops have. In the past, we cooked on stone hearths or log fires. Then we moved to charcoal grills, electric coils, and finally induction plates. Pan designs have adjusted to keep up, so your pan’s cooking surface is a hint. Some pans (e.g. Lodge pans) have recessed heating rings on their outer edges.
These were intended to snugly fit your electric heating filament. Other pans have extruded heat rings (e.g. Griswold pans), or they might have three or four projecting nodes or notches. These nodes or notches enable your pan to sit on gas grills or electric heating plates without slipping off. Lodge pans commonly used between one and three heating notches at the bottom.
Newer pans may have concave bottoms for heat distribution. The numbers at the bottom could be a hint too. We’ll go over that in detail later, but if it’s a 3, 5, or 7 (with S), it’s probably an economy skillet from Birmingham Stove & Range (BSR) or Lodge. If it has a 3 or 4-digit code with a three-hole handle, whether the numbers are slanted or straight, it could be a Griswold.
Tip #6: Inspect the Spout
One of the distinguishing markers of a pan is the sides. This includes the depth (frying pans are shallower than skillets) and the angle (sauté pans have straight sides while frying pans have flared sides). But some saucepans have pour spouts. In older pans, the pour spouts were bigger.
This is because the tools for making spouts weren’t as advances as today, so the dips were more defined. Also, older pans had two pour spouts while newer ones might have one. Contemporary cast iron pans might also have a helper handle and non-stick coatings, which are both newer.
While you’re at it, check the inner surface of the pan. Wagners often have spiral grooves tooled onto the inner base while Griswolds are flat. Lodges are sometimes rough with pebbly textures. If your cast iron pan has a dimpled or hammered finish, it’s a much younger model. On the other hand, if your pan has two short handles and a dimpled lid, it could be Birmingham.
Tip #7: Look Closer at the Handle
We’ve already mentioned modern cast iron pans may have an extra mini-handle. Also, these handles may be riveted onto the bowl of the pan, and are generally made of stainless steel. Older cast iron skillets have integrated handles that are part of the bowl with no screws or rivets. They also have a smooth finish, unlike modern cast iron which may be grooved for silicone grips.
Wagner pans often have a little v-shaped ledge between the bowl and the handle. This ledge is a dead give-away because it’s identical on marked and unmarked pans. Wagners and Griswolds have a triangular-shaped wedge on the rear side of the handle while others are rounded. The wedge nestles in your palm, unlike other brands whose ergonomic curves are comfier.
Birmingham Stove & Range pans have extruding heat rings and triangular handles too, but they don’t have the flattened ledge between the bowl and the handle. Their handle hoops also have a distinctly dipped section towards the center of the hole. You don’t see that on Wagners. That said, Griswolds and Wagners are similar, especially after the two manufacturers merged.
Tip #8: Get information from books
Lots of modern writers like to research and write non-fiction historical tomes. But brands do it too. It’s part of their history. Two such volumes include The Book of Wagner & Griswold, Martin, Lodge, Vollrath, Excelsior. It’s sometimes called The Red Book from 2001.
A more recent sample is The Book of Griswold & Wagner, Favorite, Wapak, Sidney Hollow Ware whose 5th Edition came out in 2013. It’s better known as the Blue Book, and these two books show clear references of cast iron pans. Study them carefully before you shop, and carry copies in your car while you’re out hunting for skillets. You can even buy digital versions of the book.
Tip #9: Look into the Numbers
Almost all pans have a letter or number at the bottom. Every number has its own significance. It may refer to the outer or inner diameter (for flared pans), the year and place of manufacture, or the pan model. Wagners have their number (and letter) written on the handle of the pan, not just the bowl. The handle markings are repeated at the front and back of the handle.
Meanwhile, Griswold pans sometimes have italicized 4-digit codes on the back of the pan. These are likely to be part of the Iron Mountain Collection. The shape of the number helps too. Lodges from 1900 to 1930 often have embossed numbers while other brands are recessed. But if it has no letters or numbers, it might have a gate mark. This is a distinctive, sometimes raised slash.
This mark runs across the outer bottom of your pan. Gate marks won’t tell you the brand of your pan, but they’ll identify it as an antique. Gate marked pans are almost guaranteed pre-1890. If the pan has an underlined, hyphenated, or sideways number, it could be a Vollrath pan. If the number sits inside a diamond shape, it’s probably a Chicago Hardware Foundry Favorite (CHF).
Tip #10: Hunt for Ghosts
We’ve mentioned unmarked pans were often manufactured on behalf of big-name department stores. These stores would re-brand the pans in the same way Walmart does today. But other companies took a different approach. They’d buy trademarked pans, scrape off the original markings, and remarket them under the Wapak brand name. These ‘knock-offs’ are prized.
Not just for their original quality, but for their collectors’ value. So if you find a cast iron skillet with rough file marks, see if you can identify the ghost of a logo beneath. Sometimes, the ghosts were leftover because a counterfeiter mimicked an original brand mold. And while these fakes aren’t a brand in themselves, they speak to a specific point in time, and that adds value.
Fakers used these molds to make cheaper pans and resell at the original price-point, and these fake pans are collectibles too. The most commonly ghosted brands are Griswold and Wagner, which were later acquired by the same company. So if it’s a replica or imitation, it’s probably one of these. If you want to know the exact age, check the Wapak logo – it has different versions for given years.
Find the Magic Mark!
So how will you identify an unmarked cast iron skillet?
- Use your favorite search engine to memorize old brands and logos.
- The image feature is useful both for studying silhouettes and uploading live pans.
- Inspect the texture, and markings on the outer and inner surface.
- Look at the numbers on the pan for clues. Check their shape, size, and position.
- Assess the shape and decorative detail on your cast iron skillet handles.
- Check if there are ghost markings to identify Wapak counterfeits.
Do you have a cast-iron skillet in your pan collections? Show us a photo in the comments!
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Michael Johnson is the founder of Pan Mastery, Inspired by his blacksmith grandfather’s legacy has a deep appreciation for hand-crafted pots and pans, he provides invaluable guides, reviews, and recipes to enhance your culinary journey.
I have an unmarked cast iron pan from my grandmother that I’m trying to date. It has what looks like an “&” symbol on the bottom, an “8” on the top of handle, and no other markings.
According to this video, that would indicate it’s older than 1960 (since no country of origin is stamped). It does have a heat ring that is solid (not notched), it does not have a gate mark, the bottom of the handle does not have a ridge, nor are there lines on the top of the handle (like the pans of Asian origination), the pan is fairly heavy with a very smooth cooking surface.
Both the “&” and “8” are raised, not etched or stamped in the pan.
Any thoughts as to who manufactured this pan, and when?
Without a photo it’s hard to say for sure but, it sounds like you have a 1930’s era Lodge item. Those raised symbols (sometimes letters) are referred to as “molders marks”.
No notch lodge
It may be a fragment of a brand name like ‘&’ or ‘5’ and that could possibly help you spot a Birmingham Stove & Range. Copied this from up top Tip#2
I just bought a cast iron skillet, it looks very used and on the bottom of the skillet closer to the handle it says, 8 inch skillet and something below that but cant tell what it says. and on the underside of its handle is the number 5. Does someone know what name brand this is and the age?
I’ve got a Griddle from my husband’s great-grandmother who lived in Federalsburg, Maryland. We got it when his great Aunt died 40 years ago. It’s got no hallmark that I can find. I’m curious to know who made cast iron in the Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware or even Virginia areas. It’s amazing that this griddle has absolutely no rust on it & it looks to me anyway, that it’s in good condition. I have never used it; I just keep it hung on a wall along with Aunt Effie’s pictures. I wish I could find some info about this griddle. If I knew what I was doing, I should probably try to use it. But I sure don’t. I wonder if anyone has info on this area’s cast iron? I know his family didn’t move around since they were in the “Taxi” business. That’s taxis with horse, carriage & Surry on top. We’re old but this griddle makes us seem like little kiddies. :)
Griswold was in Erie Pennslyvania. Would love to see pictures to help you solve the mystery
I have an oblong griddle with no marks. Very like weight. I can not even find a picture of this piece
I have an old skillet with only the number 70 on it. I cannot find any other markings.
Can anyone help identify this skillet
my skillet is heavy for its size,no markings on top, the bottom has heat ring with three notches , the number 3 opposite the handle and a H on handle side. on the rim opposite the handle in appears to have been attached to mold but not ground smooth. i was told it is a unmarked Griswold. it does not match there standard for identification. some company had to had made it. who when where is the question. robert
Notches in the heat ring often indicate that it’s a Lodge item. They began adding notches (starting with one) in the 30’s I believe and the went to three notches sometime around 1960 or so. You can find the exact timeline on the internet.
I have a very old cast iron cooking pot with 3 legs which look hammered. No name on bottom. Raised flying duck or goose in oblong emblem on bottom opposite the handle facing away from handle. There is a gate mark across the bottom. Bold 9 INCH raised right of handle. Handle is long and curved downward with irregular opening toward the end of handle. Sides are slanted outward. Looking for some who can identify age and maker.
I have a skillet with a c inside a diamond on the bottom and under the handle it looks to have a 7 on the under side. It also has a domed lid. What would be the approximate year and value. I believe it could be a Chicago foundry make. Thank you
I have a shriller with 60 stamped on the bottom of pan what brand and age is it?
My Aunt gave me a unmarked cast iron skillet. I have done some research and believe it is an un marked Wagner, but I can’t find a photo of one just like it. It has the number 10 on the top of the handle. The bottom is smooth and imprinted with 11 3/4 INCH SKILLET. There is a B under the 11 3/4 closer to the edge of the bottom of the pan. There is also a B on the underside of the handle. Can you give me any information on this skillet?
Definitely sounds like a more modern Wagner item. Probably from the 1970’s.
I have the exact same skillet griddle, but there is a C instead of a B and there is a C on the underside of the handle as well, what does the C mean?
Wait actually it is an 11 1/4 Inch Skillet Griddle “Made in the USA” that has a C instead of a B
the C is just the mold ID
I have almost the same skillet. On the underside appears “11 3/4 INCH SKILLET MADE IN USA” and a letter “F”. There is number “10” etched on the top side of the handle where it meets the body of pan. I see no letter or number on the underside of the handle. We know that it is at least as old as the early 1950s, but it could be older.
If it says “Made in USA,” it was made in 1960 or later. That’s when pans first had to be marked with the country of origin.
I have a flat pan with a gate mark, bottom ring and raised 7 T D on it. Any ideas on the age, type? It is lighter than my others.
Gate marks usually indicate 19th century, so it’d be 120 years old or more(and still frying)
That’s all I can tell you about that
The folks on thev cast iron subreddit are super helpful and may be able to help ID specific pieces if you post pics/description.
We came upon a cast iron cover deep in the dessert.
Raised letters: “No’s S.Kheavst N.Y. No5”
Would like to send picture.
Happy Holidays!
Of course, I meant > desert <
I can’t find where to comment so I hit reply here
I have a double griddle with two gate marks and only a number eight in the back of one of the handles
I have yet to find anyone to identify it
I have an arching Wagner Ware (they share the W) Sidney -0-, a little further down it states square skillet, and near the handle on the bottom 1218B. These are all stamped into the pan. The handle has a place for your thumb on top. Can you help me identify it?
I have a similarly marked pan. Arched Wagner Sydney o with thumb indent on top, mine is a chef skillet 3886 C, I purchased It at Sears in the 60’s… it sounds like yours is one of the same series. I wish I had purchased a larger one, but as a newlywed the 9 inch is what I could afford.
i have a similar skillet. Mine says “Chef Skillet” 10 inch with1388 at the bottom. It is Wagner Wear with a thumb notch on top. I know nothing about it. The handle also slopes downward.
Ӏ rattling thankful to find this website ߋn bing, ϳust
what I was lоoking for :D likewіse bookmarked.
I have a cast iron skillet that’s been around for at least 40 years (maybe more). It has a heat ring and an 8 inside a diamond on the bottom even with the handle. The diamond is about 1 inch high and 3/4 inch wide. Any thoughts?
Chicago Hardware Foundry, the number inside of the diamond is theirs. They also made some higher quality hammered pieces that are nice. 😁
I have a cast iron skillet 10″ with a line on the handle and the initials BF on the handle and on the bottom. nothing else. no pour, with an up turned hand bar
any ideas?
Hi my mother gave me an iron skillet that has a 8 on top of handle and on the smooth bottom it has 10 1/2 inch skillet stamped on bottom and then a M underneath the words. Then the same M on backside of handle. I just turned 50 and she said she had it in 1960. Just want to know the history of this skillet. My Aunt just got my great Aunt’s Wagner from the 1890’s series.
I think I have the same skillet. Same markings. Also has “MADE IN USA” on the back. I’m still researching it, but what I’ve found so far seems to suggest it’s a Wagner.
Made it USA manufactured after1960
My skillet was given to me by my now 93 year old cousin. Her Mother used it as well as GrandMother. It is lighter in weight than the newer one and well seasoned. It does have spiral markings on the inside. (We suspect it’s from somewhere in the 1800’s
After reading your suggestions, I used a magnifyied glass to try to see under the seasoning. So far I found the word Skillet and it appears to have a 10.5 before that. I’ll be most happy to send you a photo.
Thank-you for your time,
I am perplexed with this Spider Skillet. I can not find one comparable anywhere. This pan is gate marked and has a 16 (horizontal) on the handle. It’s very big. Any information would be wonderful. I do have photos.
I have a 6 1/2 in. Skillet that seems to be a stainless cast iron just. Looking at it. No. 3 on top of handle no marking on bottom but it has the triangular at the. Base of the handle. regular oval hole in handle. And it cooks great. Two pouring spouts on pan.
you can have cast stainless or you can have cast iron, but I don’t think you can have stainless cast iron.
Why would you think that it might be stainless?
From Chuck Amberg, Travelers Rest, S.C. I was given an oval shaped, very shallow skillet 10″ X 8″, with no markings. It appears to be unused. The slightly curved handle has a teardrop hole with both sides beveled down to the hole. Am curious who made it. have never seen this shape before. Also am wondering what special use it is made for. thanks
I cant post a photo i have a old pot with no name on it only numbers 1131 and letter F on the bottom
Its a pot with 3 legs
I found a cast iron skillet on antique alley in Indiana it has no raised markings whatsoever… I was going to attach a picture but don’t see an option to do so! It has what appears to be a 59 and maybe a 6 just slightly askew from the handle when flipped over. The bottom appears to be uneven. It has 2 pour spouts and the handle is short. I’d be happy to send a pic via email if it helps!
how do you upload photos? I would like to know about a skillet that I have.
I have a 10-inch skillet that doesn’t have a heat ring and it is stamped with what looks like Falwan. I have been unable to locate this name in any article that I have read. Unfortunately I am unable to add a picture.
Might say “ Taiwan?” I have one like that
I have my grandmothers cast iron skillet with no markings on bottoms of pan. The only marking is an 8 on the handle. The handle has an opening.. it has a spout on each side. Do you have any ideas about this one. I have googles everything and can’t find anything with no bottom marking and only a number on the handle. Thank you
I have a pan that sounds just like yours…the only marking is an engraved 8 on the handle and the handle has an opening. It has a spout on each side. Mine is hammered though, so it can’t be but so old. My parents found it in the yard of the house that used to belong to my Grandmother. I am still trying to figure out the brand and age of it. Did you find out what yours was?
Did either of you ever find anything? I have a pan that sounds just like this one. Ours is also hammered, and it has a lid.
I have done a lot of research. I also have a pan like yours. From what I’ve found and read states that the pan is pre 1890. Couldn’t find much of the brand. But hope that helps.
I was wondering if you could please help me I have a dutch oven that was my mother’s I’m 63 years old it has just a number 8 on the lid of it I would like to know if you could tell me how old it is and what the value of it is I can’t find nothing on the bottom I just know that when I was a kid every two weeks we had homemade potato donuts in it it’s a fantastic piece I just want to know some history of it
I have a pot with a lid, the lid has a 6 and the underneath of the lid has little spikes..need to find another lid for it cuz it has a crack in it
I have a few items we just inherited from our grandmother. I am currently in the process of restoring 4 items. 2 cast iron heavy top lids, 1 deep skillet, and 1 griddle. The griddle is a horizontal logo lodge, but I am unable to tell the brand of the other 3. I am under the impression that they are from the 1930s given this is when great grandma and grandpa were married and these were wedding gifts.
Trying to identity the brand of this Dutch oven. It has the # 25 and a logo with the letter C upon the letter A. Both are raised inscriptions.
So happy to see this website. Trying to identity the brand of my dutch oven. On the lid there is a # 25 and a logo with the letter C upon a letter A. Both are raised inscriptions. There are 3 raised rings spiralling around the lid. The # 25 is also on the bottom of the pot and there is a heat ring on the bottom as well. Was hoping to send a picture but I cannot find the option to include a picture here.
Trying to find out who made this…it’s a 21 mini breadstick pan the only markings are No. 11 and on the bottom there is a 1 in 2 different places so not sure if that means 11 or not …not able to add picture
I’m trying to find info on a very large iron skillet I found. I can’t find another marking like it on google. It has a capital L with a circle around it and the number 14 below it. No USA markings.
Does it have a heat ring on the bottom with either 1 notch or 3 notches on it? That identifies it as Lodge. It is a 14 inch which is possibly the largest other than commercial sizes. I have an unmarked BSR 14 inch. I believe 14’s are not commonly found. Hope this helps.
Can you identify a piece of cast iron as to what it is called or used for? It looks like a dutch oven with a start shaped cut out of the lid. I’d like to upload a photo if you could tell me how.
I have a cast iron tea kettle with no number on bottom. The lid is hinged and has a star with lines radiating out to within an inch of lid’s circumference. The spout is narrow shaped like a snake looking up over a ledge. Probably holds 2 quarts. The handle is flat in the middle. Pretty smooth exterior. Any thoughts?
I have an enameled cast iron (fish?) casserole pan It is a flame orange color and is stamped Made in Belgium, but it does not say DRU or any other name. It has a symbol that looks like an elongated A in two semi-circles and a number 34. Would love to know maker.
Probably Descoware
Has anyone ever seen a greaseless frying skillet? I can’t figure out how to post a photo.
I just purchased a Wagner fat free fryer. But it is clearly mark. May be a copy of that and called greaseless fryer instead
Hi, I just purchased an unmarked pan, other than the number 33 on the bottom of the handle and a few ridges on top of the handle where your thumb would be placed. Also the bottom of the skillet has heat rings all around it. I can’t figure out how to post pics. Any info would be appreciated.
I have an old cast iron pan with absolutely no identifiable stamped or raised characteristics or numbers, etc. except for it has two grooves on outside at the handle, both pour spouts (which are double lipped) and top of the pan. The grooves run from lip to bottom. There is no heat ring, and there are noticeable “file” markings around the edges of the lip.
Just wondering if anyone knows anything about the grooves? Thank you in advance!
I have a 5 inch cast iron pan with the fire ring, 2 pour spouts, and handle has loop. It is molded with the pan as in not sperate and then attached. It say N-1 JAPAN PAT 10015
Any thoughts would be very much appreciated.
Made in Japan. I have some that I don’t collect. Not sure if they will ever be valuable. In the 1960’s. The us made it mandatory to mark with what country the pans were poured in due to an influx of poorly cast pans from Asia. I would guess it is cast after 1960. Not 100% on that but from everything I have read sounds logical
I’ve got a square pan with section lines in it. Three sections…one large one on top and two smaller sections at the handle end of the pan.
No brand mark, but the numbers 41-9, then 2 under that are on the bottom, with a 10 inside a circle stamp, and then another 2 both on the handle.
I wish I could attach a photo!
I have an old big pan, No name, No stamp, Interior is 19 inches, 2 handles 2 1/2 inch high…it was my dads who died in 1991, so it sat in my house for 29 years, and I don’t remember seeing him ever use it. Handle to handle is 23 10/16 on the outside of handle.
I have my granny’s cast iron skillet that has the heat ring, 3 notches (12,3,9) and only an ‘L’ molded on the underside of the handle. Also has 9 on bottom. I know it’s Lodge but maybe Blacklock? She gave it to my mom in the 1940’s. Any advice on further identifying and possible value is appreciated.
My daughter picked up an unmarked 8″ skillet from an antique store. It has “5X” on the back, but no other markings. I have pictures, but there is nowhere to upload them here. I have searched all over google and can’t seem to find anything that matches it. Can someone help?
I have one too. Any luck?
I also have one, I think it’s an unmarked BSR mine is deeper than the others I have, but not by a lot and a smooth cooking surface
I have an unmarked pan, other than the number ‘8’ stamped in the top of the handle. Does anyone know of any brands that commonly did this?
I bought these two pieces at an auction recently. I can’t find any markings on them. I know they’re older because they’re rather light and the surfaces are completely smooth. Any ideas?
I have an unmarked cast iron skillet. Heat ring…no notches. Notches our pour spot on either side. An 8 stamped on neck of handle and a 2 etched or stamped on the bottom above the handle and just above the heat ring
I have an unmarked pan. Has an 8 on the handle and on the bottom of handle there is an A , on the bottom it says 10 1/2 Inch chicken fryer and has an A too
I have a similar unmarked deeper size frying pan I’m trying to identify. It has an 8 on top side of handle, and the letter H on the underside of the handle. It also is stamped that reads “10 1/2 INCH CHICKEN FRYER”
Can anyone help identify this pan?
I have one that I believe I figured it was an unmarked griswold
I have one nearly the same except the letter J is stamped on it. It was a wedding gift to my husband’s parents (married in December 1958). I’d like to know the brand.
I have a # 3 cast iron skillet with a W and a three and a little slash on the back of it can you tell me more of it about it
I got my 105 yrs old nanas old iron skillet. It is 10 inches, a pour spout on ea side, and only mark is an indented capital L on bottom. Can you identify its age or maker?
I have found a cast iron wok with only an arrow mark on the bottom. Can you tell me anything about it?
Wondering if you can help identify these pans. I’d be interested in manufacturer, approximate age, and what the markings mean, like letters B and H and the 699. I inherited them from my wife’s grandmother who wasn’t using them anymore and had forgotten she had them. I re-seasoned them with varying degrees of success and have cooked nearly every meal with them for the past month! I don’t have a website but I posted photos of them in a public Facebook post. Thank you in advance. David.
Is there anyway to send a picture of my pan to some knowledgeable pan collectors? I’m just starting and trying to identify is a lot trickery than I thought. I have a 15IN. NO.14 MADE IN USA skillet than I’m trying to identify. The handle is triangular or v shaped right to the pan to the opening of the handle which is teardroped shaped. It has a pour spout on both sides Also it has what looks to be a hole to hang it on directly 12oclock from the handle. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I just received a #8 without heat ring Griswold LG Block Letters Skillet from my brother that belonged to our Mom. Circa 1930-39 which she most likely purchased before she married in 1941 or shortly after. This will join her Wagner-Sidney skillets and numerous other cast iron pieces I have, use and cherish.
Just picked up a 3 1/2″ deep skillet at a thrift store
9 1/4″ bottom circumference
11″ top circumference.
Has an outer edge heat ring.
Only marking is an O on the back of the handle…
Any clues ??
I have a cast iron skillet with only a X that looks like it may have been hand inscribed in the bottom of it. Do you possibly have any information on it?
I have a cast iron skillet, notch in heat ring at 12 o’clock, askew 2 at 6 o’clock. These marks only became visible once I restored. Any idea why brand?
I have this old skillet my Mother got from an older lady when I was about a year old, I am now 58. This lady got it from “Her” mother. I would love to know what brand it is and how old? It has a no notch ring on the bottom with an illegible raised mark. The domed lid has spikes (basters) on the inside pointing downward. The lid and handle both have a raised 8 on them, the pan itself has two pour spouts. Thank you, Donny
I have a cast iron pot with an insert, the bottom has an opening for possibly a fire to be made in side. The only markings I can find say 11 INCH. I would like to send a photo but not sure how to attach to this message. Have you ever seen one.
Don’t know if this will give you a picture or not.
I’m told that it’s an unmarked Wagner. It says 11 1/2 inch skillet. Made in Usa. There’s a C under all that. There’s an A or triangle etched on the under side of the handle. The inside is smooth swirled. Can you verify it’s wagner? What does the C stand for? Guess on age?
I have a smooth finish pan that I got at a peddlers mall. It has a solid raised ring on the bottom and the number 8 with a C directly under it. The number and letter are not raised. The handle does have a V shape on the bottom. It has 2 pour spouts. I can’t find any other markings on it. Any ideas?
It also has a smaller c off to the side of the 8 that looks like it was done by hand.
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I have a cauldron with a GATE MARK AND “14 MT”. i tried to post a photo but not sure how. any info?
I just inherited 5 cast iron pans from my gerat grandparents, i identified 2 griswolds and a wagner from 1930s era, but the other 2 i cant identify. They were all in rough shape when i got them and i baked off old grease and washed and sanded them to where they look like new. If i could get help identifying the 2 unlabeled, it would be appreciated. Unfortunately i cant share pictures on here, is there another way i can send pictures. Your site wont let me.
I am sending pictures of my three large cast-iron they are numbered 8, 4, and 6
I am interested to know how old they are.
Thank you
i’m sorry but I can’t find out How to send photos?
Hello, I recently acquired a cast iron cauldron out of a storage locker I purchased. its 24 inches across and 11 tall. It has a handle and 3 feet. No marks that I could find. Trying to figure out what it is and what it might be worth. It had chalk 350 on it…
Thank you
A bean pot They used those to hang in the fire place to cook. I have my great grandmothers
I have an unmarked griddle that a dear friend gave me in the late 60’s. He dabbled in antiques. It does not have any identifying marks on the back. It only has the mold mark from where the iron would have been poured into the mold. Can you give me any information on this griddle?
I have this 10 cast iron so to be marked Wagner ware made in USA. Is it a newer cast iron 1960s? Or fake? It’s seems a bit heavy to be antique.
Lid has Lodge 7 pan has 7 on handle. Can you tell me how old pan is?
I have this skillet and I’m not sure what kind it is any idea ? Has an 8 and a wR next to it also a line going through the middle of it also on the bottom a heat ring on bottom not sure how to post a pic here
I would really love more info about a chicken fryer that my grandmother gave to me. It is unmarked (that I can tell) aside from a single letter ‘F’ under the front grip, and It has a raised ring on the bottom with 3 breaks in the circle. I will gladly attach or send photos if able!
I have a skillet that has a gate break on the bottom. Marked with 8a. The handle is raised not straight off the skillet. Looks like enamel on the inside. No other visible marks. The skillet is black, not colored. Any idea on what I have, how old, how to restore it? I can’t post pics.
I have an 8″ cast iron that I have had forever. The seasoning was to the point where black specs were coming off in t so I decided to redo it. Using Easy Off I have done it 3X just to get to this. I am curious as to the manufacture date range and company if possible.
How do I add the pics?
I have a cast iron tea pot that has just a capital T on the swing out lip. Was wondering
what the T stands for and the approximate age of the tea pot
I have a few skillets I’d like to see if I can get a worth on them.
We have smaller skillet with heat ring. On the bottom is a 5 and directly underneat this is a capital “C” and to the right is a “7”
Triangular handle– not rouded.
any thoughts on age and origin?
I’m hoping someone can help me. I wanted to post some photos, but not sure how. I have a No. 8 Dutch Oven that is not marked other then the bottom (no heat ring) says Dutch Oven No. 8. The lid is a basting lid with three separate sections of raised non joined circles. It has a bail or handle. The handle is connected on each side by a “tab” in the shape of a capital D with a solid “bar” through the center of the D. The lid is Mark No. 8 on the top, nothing inside. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
Anyone that would have an idea who produced this pot?
I can see a very visible L (inside a rotated square) and ‘No. 7’ on the side.
As far as I know, it’s roughly from the 1860’s…
In inherited this one from my grandma and would like to restore to it’s former glory, and would be nice to know a bit more about it’s history.
I have a 12” pan with a small cross/star at the base of the handle. It’s the only mark I see and would love to know if anyone has heard of that. I’ve searched a Loooong time lol without success.
I do t know how to share the photo here🤷♀️
Have 10” griddle with raised IND ARC Large L on center no. 3, wood handle, heat ring. Anyone??
I found a ci skillet it has the word “classic on the bottom. Trying to find out the make.
I have an 8 inch pan with 8_5C on the bottom and nothing else. It does have decorative etching all around the outside of the pan though. Any thoughts on who makes it? Thanks.
I have a oblong cast iron pan. It was always called a fish fry skillet in the family but they used it for corn bread. It is unmarked but has a gate line on the bottom. It has a little square handle on each skinny end and a think lip on the long sides. The pan is roughly 17x 8. Seem anything like that?
I have a cast iron dutch oven the lid says griswold # 10 tite top dutch oven on top the underside says patented feb. 10 1920 block letter griswold in a cross erie. Pa usa the number at the bottom is 2553 with a capital A under the number the. Pot it is on says wagner ware sydney-0- at the bottom the number 1270 c does it lose value because the pot and lid are different the lid fits the pot tite ?
Im riviseing my last post the pot says wagner ware Sydney -0- round roaster the number at the bottom 1270B thanks
I have an old pan which is unmarked but has a raised 10 on the handle. It also has 3 raised knobs and a raised line across the bottom of the pan. It’s 3 1/2” deep and 10” wide at the top.
I used my 10 inch Wagner skillet purchased in 1953 yesterday cooking meat in the oven with a lid on and I noticed some of the black coating came off. I did not know this was a coating. I thought it would be black all the way through. Is it still usable or do I have to get it refurbished? Thank you.
Have a skilllet with a v underlined….not a 5 in skillet….does this signify maker
I’m hoping someone can help with identification of a skillet that belonged to my mother. (She was born in 1930). The skillet has a gate mark on the bottom of the pan. There are no other marks on the pan, except for an embossed numeral 8 (positioned horizontally) on the underside of the handle. I have not seen any reference to this type of marking in the research I have done so far.
I have a 4 inch cast iron skillet that I found with raised letter on inside of it. Is badly rusted and is made by Harlingen HDW. CO from Texas. Does this have any value
I was given a #3, skittet with a raised single notch heat ring at 12 o’clock, with what appears to be either a raised letter I or the #1 that is located 1/4″ above the heat ring, in line with the handle. The 3 is recessed and there are no other markings that I can find. The skillet is in really great shape. I was thinking it might be a Lodge 1930 era but only a guess. How can I get a picture of it to you so that you might be able to help me ID it?
I have a cast iron skillet found in my grandmother’s house. On the back is an F at 12 o’clock. A P at 3 o’oclock. A 4 at 6 o’clock. 61 /2 INCH SKILLET horizontal just above the 4.
I am trying to identify a very old cast iron cornbread pan. it has 11 slots (I think looks more like breadsticks that cornbread but that’s just and it is unmarked except for a small H under the handle on one end. For reference it looks identical to the marked Griswold one I have. same size shape and slot number.
Have an ‘old’ 7-slot cornstick pan.
Only mark is an S on one end.
Looks like it could be Griswald from the shape of the handle-flanges.
Any way I can send a photo?
I have an old #3 skillet (in my mothers kitchen since at least 1940s). The only marks I can see are a 3A.
I have 2 cast iron skillets. No marks. Has a heat ring but no notches. Just the #2 and the other one has a #7. That’s all are they worth anything?
I think I have a L’istal cast iron Dutch oven. I I’m having a difficult time finding any information or value regarding it. Do you have any ideas for me?
please help with identifying age, maker, and if valuable. My fish skillet is 20″l, almost 22″ with handles, 9.5 w. There are no markings, but there is a v shaped ridge running across the bottom width. Thanks.
please help with age, maker, and if valuable. This fish pan is 18″l, 20 with handles, 9″w. It is 3/4″ d, and has a half moon tab on one end.
The bottom has a 3″ridge near each handle. Near one ridge is a 7.
Thank you.
Great article! Thank you. I’ve been trying to research a marked pan of ours with little luck. Do you happen to know anything about pans made by The Western Foundry Co. Chicago? We have a Mi-Pet #5, says “Keeps Food Tasty” on the bottom. There isn’t a whole lot out that I have found so far. Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
My wife has an old pan. It’s a double spout it has a raised number 7 on the handle and a y printed on the bottom at about 5 o clock position the bottom of he handle is rounded with a tear drop shaped hole in handle. Please help us identify this pan.
Would like help identifying a round corner, rectangular skillet with a “cold” type handle (unmarked). Would like to submit a photo, if possible. Have searched and cannot find anything that resembles it.
I have a few different ones. 1st says NO. 8-B(7) 10.25 IN. MADE IN USA. 2ND Says 5Y. 3rd says 11 in skillet me in USA and 4th says Cornbread skillet Pat. Pending
I have a skillet that has zero markings. I know it was my grandmothers. It is not as heavy as my Erie skillet that was also hers, I think the Erie one was made in 1892-1905. How can I upload a picture and try to figure how old the one with no markings is ?
I have a bean pot that is 9 inches tall And 10 1/2 inches across with the markings on the bottom “8 GQ” can you tell me anything about it?
I bought a Griswold NO.6 ERIE PA. 699 N at a yard sale for $1 several years ago.
Love my cast iron!
Funny, I have one from either my mother or grandmother. Mom can’t remember which pan was hers and which was her mother’s.!
I have a well worn pan with partial marking remaining on back & 8 on handle. I have searched online & unable to find any similar.
Back is marked:
(?)YNCA(?) SKIL(?)
I have an iron skillet that was given to me by my grandmother and the only marking on the bottom is C-8. My grandmother passed away in 1983 at 85 years old, so, wondering how old this pan might be. Can’t find one line it anywhere.
I have several pieces with just gate marks I dont have a website to post pictures how do I let you see them
I have a cast iron and put on the bottom of it, it says Classic
I have a cast aluminum 10″ skillet with lid and a wooden handle. On the bottom of pan is marked Best Made. There is no other markings on the pan except a little bump in the front of the handle near the pan (could just be a flaw). I have looked on Google and Ebay for a mfg named Best Made and never found one.
I found a 10 1/2 in skillet with an 8 stamped in the handle. Very smooth surface and nice sheen, water beads off almost.
Hi fellow vintage cast iron pan enthusiasts!! I do not see how to upload a photo – so I’ll be brief: I found 2 almost identical cast iron skillets – no brand name on either – both have a large, flat #8 on bottom and also a small raised #2 on the bottom, they have 3 notches on the bottom – both in very good condition – I’m oiling them now!
Any idea if these are worth anything? or nothing? again, I found – someone had thrown them away with some old lamps, dishes and such. I brought them home, but cannot identify. any help would be great!
I have a pan that my mom had all her life and her dad (I think before that). The pan is very heavy and has a forging flaw next to the pour spout. A family legend says it was bought for a bargain due to the flaw. The pan is rough around the handle. the size mark (8) has a small dot below it. Any information would be welcome!
I have 2 cast iron sauce pots (we called them bean pots) that are mid 1800’s or earlier. One has the #8 on lid and smaller on has a 3 above a 4 on the lid. It’s easy to find pan and griddle info but I’m struggling to ID my pots and price them accordingly.
Does anyone have a good link?
I have a cast iron skillet that has a notched ring on the bottom, and only says 8E. No other markings on the skillet. I was was thinking it may be a Birmingham. Any thoguhts?
My skillet has no other markings except: NO . 8
10 5/8 IN
Indented on the bottom of the pan nothing else. It’s sides are 3 inches tall.
I would love to know more about it.
Hi I have a three footed pan with gate mark and “2 1/2” raised horizontally on the top of the handle. There is no hole in the 7.25” handle. 10” across top, 2.5” legs and 3” deep. No markings on the underside besides the gate mark. I’d be happy to provide pictures if you email me. I don’t mind compensating you for your assistance. Thank you
Hi. I have a cast iron, I’m assuming skillet. It’s dimension are length-20 inches. Width-9.5 inches and height-3/4 inches. The underside of the pan has two raised lines that run long wide down it. On one end it has a raised 8. On the side (on bottom) in a crease it appears to have a 5 with a small slash to the side. I am in the process of getting all the rust off of it. I don’t see any other markings. My husbands grandfather gave it to him and said it was his fathers. So I’m not sure the age. I’d say at the very minimum 60 years old. Any insight would be helpful. I have pictures of it I can send as well.
I have similar, it is a griddle and mine is a volrath. Late 1800s
I have a old cast iron skillet with no pour lips. About 8 7/8 across the out side top, has a heat ring on the bottom. I do have pics. Thanks Jack
My mother had two pans. She couldn’t remember which was her mother’s. The smaller of the two is Griswold and clearly marked the other I am having difficulty identifying. On the bottom it has in block letters “SE” above the number 8, opposite the handle. Nearest the handle in block lettering is “J”. The ring has three notches, (9, 12, 3). Looking to determine the age and manufacturer. Trying to figure out which could belong to whom. Thanks
I have a huge cast iron pot. It is enamel lined with a bail handle. Pour spout on one side. The opposite side has a lip on it with raised numbers # 24. The bottom has gate mark. I don’t see any identifiable marks.
I have an 8 in. cast iron skillet. The only markings on the bottom are a number 5 inside a diamond shape with the letter B next to the to the upper right of the diamond shape. There is also a ridge around the bottom of the skillet. Any ideas who the manufacturer is and date ? Thank you
I have a skillet that has engraved 8 at 12oclock ,heat ring with indentions in ring at 12,3,& 9..also 0 above handle & appears to be another faintly ingraved 0 beside that one. Grandfather gave it to me in 1963.
I have a skillet thats a #6 that has the large pour spouts but no logo on the bottom, there is either an embossed EI or a 13. I tried uploading photo but it wouldnt go
I have a dutch oven with a handle, lid and a number 10 on the bottom. It was given to me by my mother-in-law, who is now deceased. The lid has, I don’t want to say little holes, but small round indentations on the inside. Unfortunately I am unable to provide a picture.
I can’t figure this one out: 5 inch little skillet, marked 3 on the top of the handle, 4 at six o’clock on the bottom with no heat ring. It has two pour spouts and is rough around parts of the top edges, seemingly caused when it was cast. Any ideas?
Hi there. I have an unmarked pan which was “already very old” when given to my Great Aunt over 100 years ago. Can I send you pictures? Thanks!
I recently bought these on ebay which were described as unmarked wagner. I can’t find any info on these that tell me for sure though. Can I send you pictures? Thanks.
Have a skillet. Only markings are on handle. An 8 punched in faintly ontop of handle and Capital A on the bottom of handle. Has a triangle on bottom handle as you mentioned Thin rim makes me think older. Seems greatly used and very well seasoned. Has 2 spouts. I bought it because it’s lighter than my other one. I already love it, just love to hear the possible history and ponder its past cooks.
I have a cast iron pan from my mother’s basement. Hammered, L on the underside of the handle and an 8 on top of handle. I’m assuming Lodge?
I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THE MAKER OF TH FRY PAN ir is 11.25″ outside diameter pour spouts on both sides and a 6 or 9 engraved directly across from handle and a R raised directly below the handle it also has a fire ring with 3 breaks in it
I have my great grandmother’s cast iron skillet.
Use almost every day.
It’s unmarked yet had a solid ring on the bottom, handle has the nice line on the bottom leading up to the oval shape like you mentioned for the BSR. Numbers are 12 7/16, 10 and there is a little circle stamp that looks like a cross or x inside the stamp. It’s pretty heavy. I’d like to send pictures.
It’s wonderful to hear that you’re using your great grandmother’s cast iron skillet almost every day.
You can use to upload and share images of your cast iron skillet. Simply visit the website, click on “Upload,” and follow the instructions to upload the pictures. Once the images are uploaded, you’ll receive a link that you can share with us here. Looking forward to seeing the photos and helping you learn more about your family heirloom!
I have what I suspect is a Lodge brand older cast iron skillet I found at a flea market completely rusted. I wasn’t sure I could save it. But, I got lucky. It’s a terrific pan and I use it often. However, I can’t seem to find out approximately how old it might be. It does have 3 breaks in the heat ring on the bottom, but is not stamped with any manufacturer’s logo and does not say “Made in USA” either. On the back, at the top is a recessed number 9 and a small “s” down close to the handle. Does anyone have a idea of what I might have here?
Ne kadar hazin bir çağda yaşıyoruz, bir önyargıyı ortadan kaldırmak atomu parçalamaktan daha güç. – Albert Einstein
I got an old 3 legged Dutch oven , 9 IN on lid, 9 on handle, both pieces have a raised T on the bottom. The lid has a large gate mark. I’m can’t seem to find Dutch ovens with both legs and a handle like a skillet. It came with what looks like a blacksmith made lid lifter tool.
I bought this pan from someone on FB marketplace, I washed it before using it. Well the smell from it while I cooked chicken did not smell right at all. So now I’m concerned that it’s not real cast iron or it has some chemical coating on it. It appears as though a coating is peeling…is this normal? The logo on the back is of a mountain but I can’t find a similar logo anywhere online. I wouid like to upload a picture for you here…how can I do that? Thanks!
my cast iron skillet has only NO 8 on bottom with size of skillet underneath 10 5/8. no luck identifying
Hi Judy,
That’s interesting, please send the more details(the pan’s photoes) to [email protected], I will try my best to help.🥰🥰🥰